Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wolves of a Thousand Eyes (Chap. 3)

The 3rd chapter! I'll try writing (typing) 1 a day, it might be hard if I have lots of homework but it only takes me about a half hour to type each chapter up! Make sure you've read the other chapters or else you'll get pretty confused.


Chapter 3: Lihria 

The lone wolf, standing there. Ridged, she looked so pitiful there, like a wolf pup kicked to many times, it reminded me to much of Felwhin.

I cautiously approached this strange wolf. I saw her back paw move, i didn't know if she as going to dart away or be ready to. A little fear left her eyes and the wolf growled, so low I could barely hear her, the fear came back within a matter of seconds. Her fur was still standing upright. Her eyes still full of fear. Even though the wolf tried to look stronger than she was, the wolf seemed to be getting ever more pitiful as I got closer. I did not know why she did not run. A sane wolf would run in this situation, and I would not have cared at all. When I got within ten meters of her the wolf started to get more nervous and jumpy. She backed up a bit, into what looked like either a cave or a small hole. I moved up another couple meters, she put a paw in front of her to steady herself, the wolf was clearly expecting a attack. When I got within three meters of the wolf she was as jumpy and nervous as ever. she seemed to be protecting something, I knew nothing of what it was at the time. The trees around me seemed to scrunch up as if expecting a fight. I could see her muscles rippling through her body even though they were as pitiful as she looked.

I asked her what her name was. The wolf did not answer.

I asked again, getting louder. Still, the wolf did not answer.

I moved up a few steps. The wolf tensed up even 

I asked again getting louder. She answered.

"L-l-Lihria" She said with a quivering voice.

I asked why she did not run. She did not answer.

I saw Obeya come up from the corner of my eye, I let him come. Lihria saw him to, and backed up into the hole even more. One of the females, Ohirah started to come I suspected she had been liking Obeya for a few weeks now. Obeya has not been courting her yet. I snapped at Ohirah, she backed away into the dense forest. 

I asked why she did not run again. She did not answer.

After the third or fourth time of asking her I got annoyed.

I nodded to Obeya. He went up to Lihria, raised a paw and slashed her face. Lihria flinched, but did not move. Blood trickled down her face as Obeya cleaned his paw, muttering "Fowl blood" and "Dead brain" under his breath.

She finally talked.

"I-I'm, just another loner" Lihria said "W-what do you want from me?"

This time I slashed her face, her bleeding was more heavy now.

"I-I have nothing for you" Lihria said "Stop, please" 

"I know you are hiding something" I said "Show it to me."

By now there was a small pool of blood, trickling into the the small hole, Lihria was trying to get the blood out of the hole, franticly when I wasn't asking questions. 

Quietly, Lihria stepped aside. Before my eyes there were two squirming pups, a dead one lay a few inches away from the living. Immediately I felt sorry for what I had done to her, replaced by anger for what she could have avoided. I went back to the rest of the pack. I didn't know what to do. As always, Rain was gone he had disappeared again. 

"We should leave her" Said Obeya "She will be  a burden."

"How could you say that?" Said Ohirah "She is a poor wolf who needs help."

Obeya said nothing more after that.

"I don't care," Said Torya "As long as I don't have to be her bodyguard again." She snapped at Felhwin

"I-t would be nice to have another runt in the pack..." Stuttered Felwhin quietly. 

We ended up letting her in the pack. She is starting wander with Rain, coming back with cuts and bruises... Rain is getting farther and farther away from the pack. Ohirah has agreed to take care of the pups when Lihria disappears. I am disappointed with Lihira, also in Obeya for trying to court Ohira when we may get killed in a matter of days. The hunters have been on the trail again, they have gained at least 8 hours on us. Every one of us is growing weaker, we have had to slow our pace even more so, Felwhin may not make it to the next stop, everything is going horribly bad. 

Chapter 4, coming tomorrow probably. I know this chapter was a bit choppy and confusing, I'm not very good at writing with pups an stuff like that. The next chapters should be better.

Wolves of a Thousand Eyes (Chap. 2)

Another chapter! I made this one the same day I made the first chapter. I had a lot of time on my hands.


Part 1. Chapter 2. The lone wolf

Felhwin made it out alive, he has slowed our pace though, Rain reports that the humans are less than half a days away. I cannot see my pack go down to a bunch of rabid pink dogs, so I am leading us onward, as we go north it is getting colder. 3 days ago me and the healthy male had enough time to catch a small elk. I did not take much, for I am still strong enough to go on. Rain has been annoying me, he never did have the best puphood.

Rain is a not the most pleasant wolf to be around. He was born a week after I was. As pups we had never liked each other, he was always jealous of me being the color of a Ember, and other wolves saying I had a bright future. One day he took it to far. I was at the riverbank, between the two oak trees that was a few meters from my birth den. I did not hear him, for the sound of the water rushing was to loud. At the end of the river is a small waterfall, with lots of rocks at the bottom and a even stronger current, before I was born a elder went down the falls and died. There was one adult wolf by me, she was placed at the front of the birthing den, she had payed no attention to me when I passed her, pups aren't supposed to go near the riverbank. I heard a crack of a twig and I spun around to see Rain, he was larger than me at the time, not by much though. He grinned a devilish grin that I used to have nightmares about, though I will never talk of that. I saw his paw move forward, as if he was going to pounce on me. I slowly edged my way around him. Still looking at him, fear but intensity in my eyes. He pounced, I did not know what to do. I panicked at first, kicking and squirming. The adult she-wolf never looked at us, the river was to loud. He backed away, limping to his right side, I looked at his leg, it had a small gash in the ankle area. He ran, full force, I tried to side step but my left back leg would not move, he hit me. I remember myself falling, I did not know where, I guessed into the river, and I was right. I yelled the loudest I could, the she-wolf at the den finally noticed and howled for the upper-rank males of the pack. another sharp pain went up my leg. All I remember next was that I hit something hard. I blacked out. when I woke up I was told that Rain and his mother were exiles, and I hit a rock on the edge of the falls, right before them, and I was dragged by the current onto the rock. I still don't know how they got me out from there. Rain and his mother came back to the pack when Rain was a juvenile wolf, much like me, but he was smaller than me for once, and it has stayed that way.

I have always known that the rest of the pack wanted to go back home, and to do that they would have to encourage Rain to challenge me for my leadership, since the begging of the trip I have noticed he has been getting bigger, and sneaking off more often. there is still a long ways to go before Rain can ever beat me, again.

"Torya" I said "How is Falhwin doing?"

"Okay" she said "I don't know why we keep him. he's just slowing us down."

I snapped at her.

"Because he is part of this pack" I replied "And that he has been able to keep up with us"

She gave me that look that says "Why the heck was that for?" and walked away.

Torya has always been kind of moody, she has been that way since her mother has disappeared, Kircha, We don't know much about her, she came into the pack as a pregnant she-wolf, we let her in, after she gave birth she ran away, leaving her daughter here. We had a long debate whether to keep Torya or not. After a few days Torya got annoyed with us and disappeared, she was about a 6 months old at the time. When she came back she was a full grown beautiful she-wolf, but she was sour. She says she was still mad at us, and only came back because she was lonely, I suspect different though. She snaps at me whenever I ask about what she did when she was gone.

"Obeya" I say "Are there any villages before us?"

"I have seen one" He said "It is about a 3 days run away."

"Dangit" I curse "We must go around it, if were lucky, the humans will stop there."

Obeya nodded and walked away

We started to outpace the humans. On the sixth day of our travels Falhwin was about the same as he was before he fell down. That night as we were all walking along in the great forest we heard a howl, Obeya was about to answer when I stopped him. There were a few other calls along with it. When I heard the same call I beckoned the pack toward it. It was a lone wolf, lonely like them all. And in search of food, a female most likely. We only walked 50 paces when we saw this wolf perched on a rock. I moved forward, fur raised on my back. The rest of the pack followed close behind but not visible if the wolf saw me. I growled to get the wolfs attention. She turned her head, fur raised on neck, looking frightened, fear swelling up in her eyes...

To be continued... Who is this mysterious wolf? Where has Rain been sneaking off to? Keep reading to find out!

Wolves of a Thousand Eyes (Chap. 1)

I wrote this is WolfQuest but one of the mods locked it.  So  I am creating a blog where people can read it. I've never posted a story on the web that I wrote, the chapters might be kind of short but I'm not writing a real book, I printed this and another chapter on a word doc and it was 5 pages, so I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now.

So here goes


Part 1. Chapter 1: In dire circumstances.


"Dangit Felhwin" Said Rohje "We can't outpace the humans at this slow rate!"

Felwhin, the runt of the pack, son of Issiac and Braiser, who have recently been kicked out of the pack or killed by the humans death traps. Was never thought to be a runt, at birth, he looked like a strong male and future alpha. But are pack then was strong, and there were many jealousies of Issiac and Braiser. When they had their pup, Issiac was tormented during her pregnancy and gave birth to four unnamed pups. But still one survived, he was strong at heart in the first 3 months, but after pups of the other pack members that had come along before him, always tormented young Felhwin, he ran off one day. nobody knows where. And he came back a few days later, tired and starving. His mother, which was still alive then. The father was killed by a human death trap. Was the only one that had helped her only son recover. She got shot later that week, dyeing in the process.

We have no name for our pack. For we are hunted, day and night. We angered the humans by eating a flock of 50 or so cattle and sheep, about 3 days run away. We are a pack of 6, we used to be 10, the weaker ones have been killed off. We have left all pups behind I am not counting the pups in the pack numbers, and left behind all elderly, and weak. We have only kept Felhwin because he was able to keep up, but slowly he is being left behind by larger and larger distances.

I am Rohje, the alpha male, sadly, my mate was taken by another rival pack, I ran away for days, hoping to find her, luckily my own pack mates found me first, for the rival pack was not a days away, and I would have surely been killed. I am leading us north, where there are less humans. And hopefully more food. I know of one other pack that left north, that was years earlier. At the moment, the pack only has two females, one growing weaker every day. Same with one of the males. We have not killed a large prey animal in days, we usually grab the small animals on the run. One of our females carried a pup for a few days, until she was to weak to go further with the pup, sadly, we had to force her away from the pup while one of the males snapped it's neck.

"Rain" I said "How far away are the humans?"

"About a half days away."

He snapped at me and ran, for I am not as popular in the pack now days as I was when I took over.

I singled for the time to rest. Felhwin usually stays away from the rest of the pack, as the rest of the pack stays away from me. but they do not challenge my authority. They will never challenge my authority.

I growled to my self.

"A half days away, they will catch us by nightfall" I said to myself.

I singled that we must go. We do not run as we used to, we simply pace ourselves at a light trot. I see smoke ahead, we are hoping it is just a field fire. Nevertheless, we circle around it.

I heard a crunch, I look behind me and see that Felhwin has fallen, I think the worst.

"Felhwin!" I yell.

I hear a low coughing sound.

"Felhwin" I yell again.

I hear what I think is a gurgle.

"He did not drink at the stop" I hear from Obeya, one of our males.

"Dangit" I curse "That fool, if he lives he will wish he never had slowed us


I kick at Felhwin when I get over at him

He does not get up. I see no blood or broken bones.I signal for Torya, a healthy female.

"Torya" I say " Help Felhwin make it to the next watering hole.

She grumbles a bit but agrees.

To be continued... Once I feel like writing more